31 Free Challenge UI Kits for Figma and Adobe XD

Modou Lo

31 Free Challenge UI Kits

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31 Free Challenge UI Kits - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD

Free Figma UI Kit - Sign in

Free Figma UI Kit - Calendar

Free Figma UI Kit - Beolab 90

About this freebie

Do you want to improve your UX/UI skills? Download for free this great 31 Free Challenge UI Kits. This freebie can inspire you to create your next web or mobile interface in Figma.

1. Beats X, 2. Sign in, 3. Calendar, 4. BEOLAB 90, 5. Event App, 6. Maps, 7. LBJ 23, 8. Profile, 9. Landing Page, 10. Direct Messaging, 11. Apple News App for Mac, 12. QURAN Player, 13. Into Card, 14. Food Item, 15. BOSE QC35, 16. Webflow Mac App, 17. Into the Badlands, 18. Clock App for Mac 19. BMW Motorrad, 20. Credit Card, 21. Pricing Table, 22. Image Slider, 23. Video Player, 24. Boarding Pass 25. Contact us, 26. Settings, 27. Porfolio, 28. Icons, 29. Profile Menu, 30. Instagram for Mac 31. SSS Logo

31 Free Challenge UI Kits freebie was designed

This freebie 31 Free Challenge UI Kits was originally shared by Modou Lo on this url.

The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.

Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Modou Lo nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.

31 Free Challenge UI Kits is a free Figma template. We really hope you will enjoy this free Figma template. Adobe XD version for this template is also available.

If you are a Figma user, this free Figma template will be helpful to kickstart your project.




Figma, Adobe XD,

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