Crypto App and Web Design for Figma and Adobe XD
Cr8tiv YemmyCrypto App and Web Design
Free DownlaodCrypto App and Web Design - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
This is a comprehensive crypto wallet UI kit a way to give back to the blockchain community. Our team from MVP Workshop gathered the best practices (some of which were developed by us) for you to use and customize freely. You may recognize many UI elements, as many projects such as Coinbase, Argent, Celsius, and others. However, you can use similar information architecture and interaction patterns.Typography and colors are built as text styles and color components, so that you can consistently use them in your project. To use your own fonts with custom styles, update them under the appearance section.It is easy to edit all the icons, colors and general styles of the elements. Just select the component you would like to edit, and change its style.In conclusion, Crypto Wallet UI Kit is a completely FREE resource for product developers. Moreover, UI designers all over the world who want to use and help develop responsive crypto wallet interactions and design patterns.Inside30+ screens20+ iconsweb and mobile versionsContentLanding PageAbout PageContact PageRegistration ModalBlog PageSell Bitcoin/EthereumSell GiftcardWeb DashboardSplash/onboardingChatTransactionMobile DashboardSettingsCrypto App and Web Design was designed by Cr8tiv Yemmy.This freebie Crypto App and Web Design was originally shared by Cr8tiv Yemmy on this url.
The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.
Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Cr8tiv Yemmy nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.