Chakra Figma UI Kit for Figma and Adobe XD
Javier AlavesChakra Figma UI Kit
Free DownlaodChakra Figma UI Kit - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
Chakra UI‘s official Figma components library, with simple, modular and accessible components that give you the building blocks you need to design and build your React applications.
What’s Included
- Extensive styles for typography, color and effects
- Component variants including size and state, now also with interactions (beta)
- Dynamic layers powered by Auto Layout
- Experimental components, styled with Chakra UI
- Implicit pixel grid sizes and spacing
- Data Display: Badge, Close Button, Kbd, Stat, Table, Tag
- Feedback: Alert, Toast
- Forms: Button, Checkbox, Form Control, Icon Button, Input, Radio, Select, Switch, Textarea
- Media and Icons: Avatar, Icon (Remix Icon)
- Navigation: Tabs
- Overlay: Alert Dialog
All components are open source and available for production-level React applications. Learn more in our documentation.
If you have any requests or bugs you’d like to report related to this UI Kit, please drop a comment in this Figma Community file page and we’ll address it as soon as possible.
Terms of use
Available for use across personal and commercial projects. Distributing, reselling or sublicensing Chakra UI is prohibited.
This freebie Chakra Figma UI Kit was originally shared by Javier Alaves on this url.
The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.
Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Javier Alaves nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.