Android & iOS Wireframes for Figma and Adobe XD
UnkownAndroid & iOS Wireframes
Free DownlaodAndroid & iOS Wireframes - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
Mobile Wireframe Kit
This wireframe kit contains a collection of commonly used system components to mock up your mobile (phone) ideas quickly, before investing in the full design. Use it to share ideas, iterate, prototype, and get buy in before you build.
What’s included?
- Android and iOS medium-fidelity components
- Handwriting font (Kalam) versions of those components for lower-fidelity wireframes
- A handful of very generic/platform agnostic placeholder components
- Top navs
- Tab bars
- Keyboards
- Alerts/messages
- Icons and symbols
- Controls and inputs (toggle switch, segmented controller, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons)
- Date picker
- Lists
- Floating action buttons
- Buttons with and without icons
- Increment spinners
Before you start
You’ll need to install SF Pro from Apple to customize the iOS components, which you can download here.
This freebie Android & iOS Wireframes was originally shared by Unkown on this url.
The categories for this freebie are Figma Wireframes, Adobe XD Wireframes and Sketch Wireframes. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD.
Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.